This year coincidentally, All Saints Day, a day of Obligation for Catholics, happens to fall on Deepavali. Immediately the next day, All Souls Day is celebrated. The good thing about this week is that there are 2 public holidays! that leaves me with only 3 days to work..attended Mass in two consecutives days. It was quite an experience for me. I especially liked Mass in the evening, the surroundings and the church compound looked especially beautiful! For me, All Souls Day is quite meaningful for me as it is a day to remember all those that have departed, as it makes me think of my lovely grandma, who is a Christian and passed away 6 years ago. I really prayed to our Heavenly Father and to our the saints to take care of her and for her to watch over me.
Lately I have started working full-time and it seems like time is a precious, precious thing for now I must adjust my life to work, exercising, attending Mass and very soon night classes for my degree course and of course not forgetting socialising with my beloved friends..The good thing about being busy is that it keeps you preoccupied and concentrate on your tasks, keeping your mind off from any stray thoughts that may somehow creep into you at the most inconvenient times..
The past few weeks has been quite enriching for me. I attended a focus group discussion at the National Youth Council. The purpose is to hear our opinions on how we find working life versus schooling life and other issues in life that concerns us. It was really an eye-opener for me as I really get to hear different views and opinions from people from all walks of life around the same age group as me. There was a married lady, an architect, several teachers, etc. I hope I won't forget most of what is being said in there as it really kind of inspires you to achieve more. I also attended a Tridentine Mass and a Charismatic Mass with friends, and met several unique people there with different views on Catholicism, which makes me more appreciative of my faith now. I just hope my journey as a catechumen will end soon on Easter!
God Bless!
12:10 AM
Lots of lovely Orthodox iconography on your blog. The phrase "King of Glory" on the crucifix is veeeerrrrry Orthodox. Catholic crucifixes usually have the words "INRI" - Iesus Nazareum Rex Iudaeorum, i.e. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
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